
Back after a while - this time in English

I´ve decided to revive this little blog, not because I have anything more interesting to say, but because things have changed. My son, Óðinn is born, and I´d like to post some photos here every now and again. Also I´ve become very interested in photography recently so this will be a venue for me to post some of the more personal photos, which I´d rather not put on my flickr page. I´ve also decided to switch over to English, seeing as so many of the people I care about don´t speak Icelandic.

Anyway, we just got back from a short visit back home in Iceland which was lovely. Great to meet the family and friends and good to get a break from work. It was Óðinn´s first time back in the home country and the first time he met the family, with the exception of my mom and dad who came to Brooklyn shortly after he was born. As was to be expected, he and Hildur got along well.

The visit was also interesting for the fact that the government of Iceland finally resigned after weeks of protests and just before we left, we got a new left wing coalition government. This is the first time in 18 years (or is it 17? it feels like a hundred years) that the conservative party is not in power. Irrespective of political views, it is never healthy for a country to be governed by the same party for such a long time. I hope the new government does well. At least they´re off to a great start by appointing Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir as the first Icelandic woman to be prime minister. She´s also the first openly gay head of government in any country, but in Iceland that´s less of a big deal, and more of a private matter. I just wish her well.

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