Ein besta hljómsveitin sem ég hef uppgötvað undanfarið er The Mountain Goats frá Kalíforníu. Ég ætla svosum ekki að fara út í neinar meiriháttar lýsingu á hljómsveitinni, enda finnst mér yfirleitt leiðinlegt að lesa það sem aðrir hafa að segja um hljósveitir, rétt eins og mer finnst leiðinlegt að skrifa um poppsveitir. Hér er bara dæmi um texta eins lags sem ég var að hlusta á áðan. Helvíti flott:
No Children
I hope that our few remaining friends
give up on trying to save us.
I hope we come out with a fail-safe plot
to piss off the dumb few that forgave us.
I hope the fences we mended
fall down beneath their own weight.
And I hope we hang on past the last exit,
I hope it's already too late.
And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here
someday burns down.
And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away,
and I never come back to this town again.
In my life, I hope I lie,
and tell everyone you were a good wife.
And I hope you die,
I hope we both die.
I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow;
I hope it bleeds all day long.
Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises;
we're pretty sure they're all wrong.
I hope it stays dark forever,
I hope the worst isn't over.
And I hope you blink before I do,
and I hope I never get sober.
And I hope when you think of me years down the line,
you can't find one good thing to say.
And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out,
you'd stay the hell out of my way.
I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me,
hand in unlovable hand.
And I hope you die,
I hope we both die.
Ég held að þetta sé eins konar ástarljóð um tvær bitrar manneskjur sem geta ekki án hvors annars verið. Ég er samt ekki alveg viss. Þeir hafa víst gert seríu af lögum sem heita Going to...
Þetta eru ca. 40-50 lög. Eitt þeirra heitir Going to Iceland. Annað heitir Going to Reykjavík. Meira veit ég ekki.
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