
as time goes by

Just over two weeks left of my paternity leave. Time's gone by pretty fast. Earlier this week, I moved a chair to a window where the light was pretty good, put Óðinn in the chair, and shot one roll of film (Ilford HP5+ pushed to 800 ISO in Xtol). I was really happy with the results. I´ll definitely be asking other people to pose by the same window to improve my portrait shooting technique.

I´ve shot a lot of photos during this leave, and it´s cool that the leave has coincided with my getting heavily into shooting with film. It´ll be great look back at these photos as time goes by.

It's also been fun having the paternity leave coincide with the NCAA basketball tournament, although I'm disappointed in how there have hardly been any upsets. Still, lots of good basketball is to be appreciated.


Óðinn´s almost 6 months now and just keeps growing. The cheeks are getting pretty impressive.
These were all shot in the last couple of days, from the same roll of film. Kodak T-Max, 3200.


It's been a good weekend. Yesterday Catherine, Óðinn and I walked to Williamsburgh where we had lunch at the Radegast Hall in Brooklyn, where they sell excellent German beer and Central European fare, such as potato pancakes and dumplings, both of which I loved so much when I visited the Czech Republic. I brought my Mamiya with me, but due to a stupid mistake, I lost all three rolls of film which I shot that day. I had spent over an hour trying to develop two of the rolls, by the time I realized what my mistake was - I left the camera set for mirror lock up, so none of the frames were exposed. Well... I won´t make that mistake again. Today has been nice and quiet. Went for a run in the park, baked cookies and now I´m making a curry. I also shot a roll of film this morning, of Óðinn on the floor. The above photo is one of the better ones.


Into the big city

The first week of paternity leave if over and the time has gone by incredibly fast. It feels like ages since the snowstorm on Monday. It´s a lot warmer now so we can go on longer walks these days. Today we went into the city with Catherine to join Gwen and Peter for breakfast. They were in NYC overnight because Peter had won an award for his book, which he received last night. I brought the Mamiya with me and shot a roll of film with them.

Then, after a short meeting at the UN, Óðinn and I were able to walk for a couple of hours down Manhattan, which was great. We're going to do a lot of these walks in the coming weeks, and I'll be working on my street photography.


Staying at home

I've been at home now for two whole days with Óðinn and it´s been as expected, I guess. He misses his mother. At five months he has to get used to not having breasts on demand, and settle for pumped and refrigerated brestmilk supplemented with bananas, apple sauce and the odd sweet potato. What made the first couple of days at home with him more difficult than I had hoped for was the weather. On monday we had the biggest snowstorm of the winter and it was quite cold yesterday, so long walks were out of the question, making naps harder to come by. I´m hopnig that within a week or two, he´ll be used to no having his mother 24/7.


5 months old

5 months old
Óðinn is 5 months old now. I shot and developed some film this weekend from the Mamiya. This time, I made my first attempt at pushing, which came out ok, considering that the film I used (Kodak Tri-X 320) is not generally supposed to be pushed. I´m happy with the outcome.